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Module 1: Nicotine Addiction – Why do people smoke?
Pretest Quiz
Restricted Not available unless: The activity Tobacco treatment Training Baseline survey is marked completeNICOTINE ADDICTION – Why people smoke? QUIZ
Restricted Not available unless: The activity Why people smoke? is marked completeNICOTINE ADDICTION – Why people smoke? Answers Page
Restricted Not available unless: The activity NICOTINE ADDICTION – Why people smoke? QUIZ is marked complete
Module 2 : Providing Effective Assistance with Quitting
Pretest Quiz
Restricted Not available unless: The activity Tobacco treatment Training Baseline survey is marked completeHow to help your patients quit smoking SCORM package
Restricted Not available unless: The activity Pretest is marked completeHOW TO HELP PATIENTS QUIT QUIZ
Restricted Not available unless: The activity How to help your patients quit smoking is marked completeHOW TO HELP PATIENTS QUIT Answers Page
Restricted Not available unless: The activity HOW TO HELP PATIENTS QUIT QUIZ is marked complete
Module 3: Behavioural counselling
Pretest Quiz
Restricted Not available unless: The activity Tobacco treatment Training Baseline survey is marked completeBehavioural Counselling Part 1 SCORM package
Restricted Not available unless: The activity Pretest is marked completeBehavioural Counselling Part 2 SCORM package
Restricted Not available unless: The activity Behavioural Counselling Part 1 is marked completeBEHAVIOURAL COUNSELLING QUIZ
Restricted Not available unless: The activity Behavioural Counselling Part 2 is marked completeBEHAVIOURAL COUNSELLING Answers Page
Restricted Not available unless: The activity BEHAVIOURAL COUNSELLING QUIZ is marked complete
Module 4: Pharmacotherapy
Pretest Quiz
Restricted Not available unless: The activity Tobacco treatment Training Baseline survey is marked completePharmacotherapy SCORM package
Restricted Not available unless: The activity Pretest is marked completePHARMACOTHERAPY QUIZ
Restricted Not available unless: The activity Pharmacotherapy is marked completePHARMACOTHERAPY Answers Page
Restricted Not available unless: The activity PHARMACOTHERAPY QUIZ is marked complete
Module 5: Harm reduction
Harm reduction SCORM package
Restricted Not available unless: The activity Tobacco treatment Training Baseline survey is marked complete